Monday 5 December 2011

Chrome Sucks for kiosk mode

I've never been a big user of chrome, perhaps I've always found FireFox to meet my needs - and I'm a rather loyal guy. I still remember the excitement of FireFox going 1.0.
With my current job I'm tasked with Web Development and use Chrome for all my development. I decided to use Chrome for my digital sign and was rather excitedto come across the --kiosk switch. This allows me to start Chrome in full screen mode each time, perfect.
Well that was until this weekend when I discovered the switch stopped working. That sucks.
I was frustrated as hell as Chrome has really good HTML5 support, another reason I was excited to use it for my new sign. But without the kiosk mode, it was useless.
Along came Opera:
To my great excitement Opera not only has a kiosk mode that works, but it has all the required switches one needs for various environments. Yeah for Opera and it works 100%.
I will post about my netbook install and how I did it later on. For some FYI its an Asus ZG5 running debian with a basic X-Windows install.


Digital Signage has always been an interest of mine and last year I developed one running QT for us in my wife's small hair salon. This was slapped together one weekend but has received many complements from her staff.
My wife asked me to update the sign as she wanted more content than just a static logo and looped video being played. As a passionate PHP developer I decided to redo the entire project in HTML 5 using a netbook ruining a basic Linux install. This blog will be about my experiences both good and bad.